BREAKING NEWS: Bill Gates loses lawsuit and will appear in Dutch court
Bill Gates loses groundbreaking lawsuit and must appear before a Dutch court
Shared with permission. Source - Zebra Inspiratie, by Erica Krikke, Netherlands.
Bill Gates, philanthropist and founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, recently filed “an incident” against the seven Dutch plaintiffs who want to take him to court because they accuse him of a “tortious act” as a participant in the project “The Great Reset”. The hearing was on September 18, 2024 in the District Court of Leeuwarden in Friesland (Netherlands) and the verdict was on October 16 2024.
Gates, who did not appear before the Leeuwarden District Court on September 18, but was represented by a lawyer from PelsRijcken, stated that he believes that a Dutch judge is not competent to judge him because Gates is an American citizen.
Reports of the trial on September 18th (in Dutch only)
Both parties gave a plea in court that afternoon. One of the victims, who is very ill, was also given the opportunity to make a plea. She was no longer able to speak and was represented by her father. It was an emotional plea.
Several recordings (in Dutch) are available from the 'Bill Gates' case on September 18:
During the hearing, recordings were made by De Vrije Omroep.
Before and after the hearing, Zebra Inspiratie provided live coverage of the events.
In the evening Erica showed the Press Conference LIVE via her Facebook page.
Ruling of October 16: Bill Gates loses the case
The Judge announced on October 16 that Gates was in the wrong. The Dutch Judge does have jurisdiction. The official notification with the ruling was published on the website of Stichting Recht op Recht.
Summary of the case
The claimants allege that representatives of Gates (Hofstra et al.) as a group and individually acted unlawfully towards them by deliberately misleading them in an unlawful manner and thereby inducing them to undergo Covid-19 injections of which Hofstra et al. knew, or at least should have known, that these injections were not safe and effective.” – Source: Judgment (English).
The case is summarised in this video (subtitled in English)
Basis of the claim
Hofstra et al. have implemented the Covid 19: The Great Reset Project. This is a project aimed at the total reorganization of societies in all countries that are members of the United Nations (hereinafter: UN), as described by Schwab in his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. In this reorganization, all factors that determine human life are made the subject of forced change by the WEF and the UN. Characteristic of this political ideology is that this forced and planned change is presented as justified by pretending that the world is suffering from major crises that can only be solved by centralized, tough global intervention.
One of these so-called major crises concerns the Covid-19 pandemic. Hofstra individually and as a group acted unlawfully towards the claimants by misleading them, in the context of the implementation of the Covid 19: The Great Reset Project, into administering Covid-19 injections, of which Hofstra knew, or at least should have known, that these injections were not safe and effective. According to the claimants, the claimants suffered mental and physical injuries as a result of these injections.” – Source: Judgment
The dispute
Mr. Gates' representatives dispute jurisdiction. Not the claim.
“The dispute in this incident revolves around the question of whether this court has jurisdiction to hear the claims of et al. against Gates in the main proceedings. Gates lives in the United States. There is no treaty between the Netherlands and the United States that contains rules on jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters such as those at issue here. The question of whether the Dutch court has jurisdiction over Gates must therefore be answered on the basis of general international jurisdiction law, as laid down in, among other things, Articles 1 to 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure.” – Source: Judgment
Additional information
The lawyers of the seven claimants, master Arno van Kessel and master Peter Stassen will give an interview to Zebra Inspiratie about this controversial case after October 27. The continuation of the entire lawsuit will also be discussed.
More to come from Freebirds Media
Erica Krikke (Zebra Inspiratie) and I met in an online media network in 2022. In 2023 we formed Freebirds Media (Rumble, Telegram, Facebook), and together we’ll bring you more on this story and others of international interest.
For media inquiries on this story, please contact Erica Krikke, Zebra Inspiratie,
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I am an independent researcher and reporter. If you would like to support my work, please consider upgrading your subscription or donate here. - Penny Marie
Gates believes " that a Dutch judge is not competent to judge him because Gates is an American citizen."
Translation: a Dutch judge is not competent because he isn't able to be bought off.....
Respect to Dutch judge!
Wow! That sounds so amazing and you are so amazing to get it out here Penny Marie! Every little bit of hope is much appreciated! 🙏🌹