Parent Voice on Childhood vaccines and latest announcement to increase childhood vaccination rates through Plunket
Open letter to MPs Shane Reti and Casey Costello
I am an independent researcher and reporter. If you would like to support my work, please consider upgrading your subscription or donate here. - Penny Marie
This message is in response to the recent announcement about the pilot for Plunket nurses to help increase vaccination rates in children in NZ. At a time when NZFirst MP's are working for a better inquiry into the covid 'vaccines', this is a massive disappointment.
Many people are realising that the covid vaccine situation was not a one off, and that the great fraud and harm of pharmaceutical influence in politics puts profit before people's health, particularly children's health.Â
The biggest regret in my life is that I did not research, on behalf of my children. I trusted my doctor and Plunket nurse on childhood immunisations and agreed to the injections of my children. Until the HPV vaccines which I saw as a profit-making endeavour.
I dove deep into research about the covid vaccine in August 2021, resulting in my first blog - Square Peg, Round Hole. Since then I have been an avid researcher, and have listened to and respected many peoples stories.
Personal stories are valuable
I had the privilege of attending the Children's Health Defense (Founded by Robert Kennedy Jnr) Conference in USA in 2023, and am in regular contact with Ted Kuntz from Canada who founded Vaccine Choice Canada after his son was severely impacted from a childhood vaccine, which medical experts did not acknowledge.Â
What struck me at the CHD conference, was that those who had become involved in CHD did so because their child had been adversely impacted by childhood vaccines.
People who question childhood vaccines are not simply ‘trouble makers’
They gain nothing from leaving their careers and working to expose vaccine harms so that they are fully informed. In fact, as with myself since the Covid situation... we often risk losing everything. Careers, family and friends... homes, income. Everything.
And yet, we are compelled to seek answers and speak truth, and to offer help and support to others. I now dedicate my life to helping raise awareness about the gender ideology that is harming so many of our children and families, and founded Let Kids Be Kids to do this.Â
The vaccine situation is similar to the transgender situation... it creates victims, is pushed politically, funded significantly, and dissenting voices are silenced at any cost. And meanwhile our most vulnerable... our children... are the target.
It is the adults' job to protect the children Â
We are under-funded, de-platformed, ostracised, and have all the obstacles against us. Yet we won't stay silent. My disappointment with Shane and Casey's announcement is that the few people with the courage to do what's right, see yet another obstacle has been put in our way.Â
Do not send ‘health professionals’ to our homes to coerce us
Did you know that NZ parents who have chosen not to vaccinate their children (because they have done their research and aware of the risks) get 'health professionals' show up to their doors telling them to vaccinate their children? I personally know people to whom this has happened.
This is a total medical breach - coercion to take medication must be stopped. Parents who have seen the harm of covid vaccines will never vaccinate or immunise their children again. Check out the many comments from parents on this X post from Lynda Wharton of The Health Forum NZ, and this post by NZFirst. These are real people with real stories, and no ‘authorities’ are listening. Still. Again.
Funding to reach statistical targets isn't the same as working towards a ‘healthy’ solution
These stats (above, from The Facts NZ) on childhood vaccination rates and also rates of MMR Vaccines destroyed are telling. Trust in childhood vaccines is declining, and piloting Plunket nurses to educate/coerce/gain financially from getting more parents to vaccinate their children is not going to lead to healthier children.Â
The recent announcement makes no mention of better health outcomes for children. Only ‘increased vaccination rates’….
Health Minister, Shane Reti said the move was an important step in reducing the barriers to getting children immunised, helping to achieve the Government’s target of 95% of children being fully vaccinated at 24 months.Â
The pilot will allow for Plunket to deliver vaccinations alongside in-clinic Well Child visits, at dedicated immunisation clinics, at community events and eventually in homes (emphasis added).

Two resources I recommend
One is a guide, the other is the latest documentary from Children's Health Defense, the result of a nationwide bus tour with their VAX-UNVAX Bus:
Vaccine Choice Canada - A New Parent's Guide To Understanding Vaccines.
Children's Health Defense's latest documentary VAXXED IIIÂ - first-hand stories from people across America who were vaccine harmed or lost loved ones from the Covid and childhood vaccines (and hospital protocols).Â
I urge you to please listen to the voices of concerned parents
Parents are the last bastion of hope for our children's welfare, and parent choice must be restored and respected. Please stop pushing childhood vaccines/immunisations on parents and their children.Â
Instead, listen to parent concerns. Full and informed consent is needed - that means, NOT solely pharmaceutical propaganda. Government policy is NOT a good substitute for the thinking parent.
Kind regards,
Penny Marie I X I Facebook I Telegram I Rumble I Linktree
Penny, I'm really baffled, that it took you until 2008 to realise something was amiss with vaccines. My questions to you are, "Why is it that you didn't look at vaccines before HPV?" Why were all the public voices before then, not on your radar? Did you read the many books in the library, which would have filled in some gaps?"
There has been a very loud and vocal "indigenous" movement in New Zealand which didn't start here, with any input from outside, since 1986, with plenty of coverage in TV, Radio, mainstream, alternative media articles, conferences, newsletters etc. The movement was not started by parents whose children were damaged by vaccines. Usually the trigger was something else within the medical system which lit their wick and forced them to consider what else within that system, might be a facade.
Everything the starters of the movement published was extensively medically referenced. They knew the Philson Medical library in Auckland, inside out. In those days it was three floors in a different part of the medical school. The group held two international conferences in Auckland, with many prominent medical people in attendance including the Ministry of Health. After all, there must be "balance".
Those in NZ who don't vaccinate, have their own social media places. The newest public rendition arose in Voices for Freedom, some of whom were part of, or came out of the first vaccine critical movement in this country, and therefore already had the background medical nouse to ask the right questions and find the information from "the horse's mouth" so to speak.
In terms of coming to your house to pressure, or to vaccinate. That is nothing new. It's been going on for decades. I can remember incidences of it in the 1980s, and not just in homes either. Vaccine teams would just roll up to schools and before 1980, consent forms signed by parents were not even a thing in school campaigns. It was only pressure from people originally in the Home birth movement who were vaccine aware, that eventually resulted in "consent forms" and the one-and-only" 1991 Department of Health booklets on "informed consent". What a fraught journey that was, with no-one from the medical profession, at the table, considering that informed consent was even a "right"! And that booklet is nowhere to be seen now, and no subsequent one replaced it.
The Health and Disability Commission is supposedly the protector of consent, but when push comes to shove, pigs will never fly.
Those whose eyes gave long been on vaccines can tell you many horrific stories from the previous decades, of coercion, bullying, manipulation, and corruption. The difference between then and now, is that now, they put lipstick on the pig.
There have been a lot of select committee hearings in the past decades on "the declining vaccination rates". It is a recurrent theme.
Some NZ parents wrote position statements to those committees and appeared personally. And their input was barely tolerated and presenting personally, was always treated differently from the pro-vaccine gods and goddesses. Democracy requires adhering to the right to "submit" (don't you find that word ironic) but such committees don't consider listening carefully, or good manners to be part of the obligatory process.
I only recall one session treated with any manner of empathy, which was a Wellington select committee where everyone else was cleared out and Rhonda and Joe Renata were given the floor for however long they wanted. However, the public and media wasn't allowed in, even though the Renatas wanted that. That committee session was just a sop as well. It was seen as necessary to prevent social fall-out from the publicity surrounding the death of their daughter Jasmine, after Gardasil 4. Everything surrounding the subsequent inquest and inquiry was also a travesty of justice for the family and stone walled by the media. What is happening now, is nothing new.
This is how it goes, and how it has always gone. Woe betide any parent going for ACC either. They will experience the ultimate of insulting meat grinders in that process. And even in simple things, try sending a vaccine injury report to CARM, and see what happens. Then contact them a few years later, to find out that your report no longer exists.
And yes, many will call anyone who doesn't fit in with the narrative, grifters. It goes with the territory, and always has. Like those in the past you will likely be called a "scientific terrorist" as well.
After all, gas lighting, aspersion casting, and shooting the messenger, are survival tactics for those who rely on propaganda tropes, and pro vaccine soundbites as their armoury, because they have never spent any time reading any other medical literature than the echo chamber, selected references provided to them.
Most of those who started the movement in New Zealand in the 80's, are now in the background, tired or talking into a deaf wind, or being slapped down by the arrogance of pro-vaccine ignorance.
Given that there is so much attention on due diligence for prams, cars, houses, toasters, clothes, toothpaste but seemingly none for vaccines, it's got to the point where some wonder exactly what the point of education, or even the internet is, for people to take personal responsibility for anything when it comes to health, the medical system and vaccines.
So there you are. A cynical voice from the past.
Matt Mac you seem to have very strong opinions about this subject without perhaps considering the other side of the debate.
If the only measure of authenticity you use is the amount of money these people are making due to their voice against vaccines, then I suggest you may like to consider the millions of people who have never made a cent by publicly expressing their often very personal reasons for deciding not to vaccinate.
I am one such voice. Have you heard of me? I have spoken and written on many occasions since 1992 when the eldest of our three vaccinated children was diagnosed diabetic. After medical doctors could give us no reason for his condition except that it was genetic when it was obviously not, or maybe caused by a virus, I started looking for answers, and found it.
Did you know that the hepatitis B vaccine which was given to babies from 1988 was found to be responsible for a sharp increase in childhood diabetes? FACT. My son was born in 1988. This was the first shot he received at six weeks with followups at 3 and 5 months.
I, like Penny, was a naive parent in those days too, who trusted the health system implicitly. Nowadays I regard the public funded health system as one of the most corrupt systems we have in our western world, and very rarely partake of anything they offer.
As for your opinion on Andrew Wakefield, your comments are clearly those of someone who has not read Andrew's book "Callous Disregard" which is his own factual account of the whole saga which saw him get banned by the same very corrupt system. It has been my observation that our (NZ) universities use the one-sided anti- Andrew Wakefield mock-up in all their health fields, not just medical, as if they are trying to brainwash an entire generation of health professionals. Quite peculiar really. Almost like they want to dumb down the ability of some of our best young minds to prevent them from being able to critically think on balance.
Of course we all have the ability to read, understand and consider the information from whatever sources we choose and I would hazard a guess that you may never have picked up a book with a dissenting voice against the (popular?) big-pharma-funded healthcare narrative. That is your prerogative.
If you want to have a better informed view, without the need to throw abject insults to those whose views currently differ from yours, I urge you to read Wakefield's book for starters. It even has the whole journal paper written by thirteen doctor/scientists which was the subject of Wakefield's scandal, in the back of the book, so you can see the whole truth. It is a very good read.
I like to tell people that there is only one truth. The only difference between what I, you, Penny or anyone else knows is TIME.
Good luck on your journey in search of it.