The Power Of Personal Connection
Anna McLoughlin and Helen Tindall are in Geneva, Switzerland to 'Say NO to the WHO', and Elisabeth Cave and I are soon to continue the Let Kids Be Kids Roadshow in the North Island...
If you’re watching the events happening around the world right now, things appear to be getting more and more dystopian… meanwhile the majority of people seem to be continuing on… blithely unaware of the pivotal time in history they are partaking in.
I for one, am grateful to be on this side of history… even if the events and truths are difficult to come to terms with at times. I’d rather know, than not know. Knowledge is power, after all.
Making the effort to get out and about to meet each other is one of the most powerful actions we can take.
There’s nothing quite like face to face, heart to heart hugs, and being in each other’s presence.
Road To Geneva - With NZDSOS
Say NO to the WHO
My good friend Anna McLoughlin is in Geneva, Switzerland with NZDSOS colleague Helen Tindall. You may not know them by face or name… until now they have been more behind the scenes with NZDSOS.
Kudos to Anna and Helen for saving up, and travelling to Geneva. They had a challenging week of travel to get there, as you’ll hear in our chat. We had a brief chat about their experience, and what’s happening on the ground in Geneva. Watch it here, and it’s also on X/Twitter and Facebook.
Both women spoke at the Road To Geneva Rally on June 1 2024, alongside some ‘household names’ that many of us have come to know since 2020. And at the end of the video are their speeches at the Geneva Rally.
Lawyer Sue Grey is also in Geneva - check out her speech at the International Lawyers Press Conference.
NZ Website SAY NO (to the WHO).
Let Kids Be Kids Roadshow - North Island
Elisabeth Cave, who I met in Hokitika and invited to join the LKBK Roadshow around the entire South Island, is on her way north soon.
She will join me to continue our nationwide roadshow, where we inform and empower parents, grandparents… and everyone who will listen… about what we see happening to our kids, where it’s coming from, and what we can all do about it.
If you know someone who would appreciate coming along to a Let Kids Be Kids meeting, please share with them.
We may be coming to a town near you
We’re scheduling meetings throughout the North Island - Auckland and Northland is stage one.
If you want to stay updated, follow Let Kids Be Kids on X/Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, or check the Let Kids Be Kids website.
We don’t have a promo budget, so if you would like to help us promote our meetings, please share the links. If you want fliers and posters we have them - contact us for the files.
Conversing with NZ First
I recently met with Tanya Unkovich from NZ First. NZ First are committed to removing and replacing the troubling Relationship & Sexuality Education Guidelines currently in place from the Ministry of Education.
But I wanted to take the conversation further, and presented her with some recent research done by Let Kids Be Kids and Elisabeth Cave. It was gratefully received and I’m pleased that we have open lines of communication. We will continue to share information to MPs who will listen to the stories of what’s going on at the grassroots, in our homes and schools, alongside our independent research and analysis.
Rodney Hide: My Journey
Rodney Hide is well known to many of us in New Zealand. He was the Founder of the ACT party, a former MP turned RCR Radio Host (listen to our recent conversation on RCR) and contributor to Bassett, Brash & Hide… has been outspoken on the topic of gender theory for a while now.
He recently joined the growing LKBK regional network, and we are all valuing his insights and heart. Rodney recently penned the following blog…
My latest apparel design…
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